Youth Ministry


Ascension youth ministry works to form and strengthen the youth of this parish according to the three goals laid out by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in Renewing the Vision: to empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in the world today, to draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the community, and to foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person.

What We Do:

We draw nearer to these goals through a variety of ministries, both gathered and ungathered.

Gathered ministries include:

Family Faith Nights

On the first Sunday of the month from 6:00-8:00 P.M., youth and their families are invited to join us for a youth-led prayer service, followed by dinner, and then separate workshops for youth and parents. The workshops will be on faith, life, or justice topics that are relevant to teens and to their parents.
We welcome adults to donate an entree or salad, adults to lead a 30-minute workshop for teens or parents, and youth to help plan and lead the prayer services. Contact Hanna for more information.

Youth Nights

On the other Sundays from 7:00-9:00 P.M., youth are welcome to join us in the Youth Room for a night of faith, fun, and fellowship. Feel free to drop in any time, whether or not you plan on being a “regular”.

Ascension Youth Ministry Permission Form

Service Opportunities

We will provide monthly service opportunities with various organizations, both on the parish property and out in the community. If you’d like to tell us more about your organization, we’re always looking for new places to get involved with!

Confirmation Service Directory

Ungathered ministries include:

Card Ministry

We send out birthday cards to our high school youth, as well as congratulations cards for special achievements.

Social Media Presence

We have a Facebook page with regular news and updates, an Instagram for pictures of our activities, and a Blog for family and spirituality resources.

Prayer Partners

Youth and adults in the parish have the opportunity to pair up and pray for one another.

Interested in joining the Ascension Youth Ministry?

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